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Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Parochial we fully understand the importance of each child’s emotional wellbeing. Emotional health plays a central role in children’s mental, psychological and cognitive development as well as their general health. Good emotional and mental health is important in helping to strengthen the child’s capacity for relationships, improve educational attainment, promote social inclusion, expand opportunities and improve general health and wellbeing. Conversely, emotional and mental ill health has the potential to negatively impact all areas of a child’s life.
We know that children need healthy, supportive and stimulating environments with a clear focus on, and commitment to helping them develop high self-esteem and good relationships. With such support, they are more likely to become confident, happy and ambitious people.
How do we support your child’s mental health and wellbeing?
Our Relationship and Health Education programme is fully focused on helping us develop your child’s life skills based around the areas of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. We also hold specific days and weeks in which we focus on wellbeing, such as children’s mental health week and the Hello Yellow Day in aid of Young Minds.
Growth Mindset and Resilience:
At Parochial, we know that pupils who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Consequently, instilling all our pupils with ‘growth mindsets’ has become a key priority for the school. We have introduced the theories of Dr Carol Dweck to staff and pupils and feel these principles align with our school values.
We want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This will help them to achieve, not only with us, but also in their future lives as adults.
At Parochial, we consistently endeavour to challenge and develop the attitudes of all pupils and staff towards learning by considering what makes a successful learner. The children are rewarded for effort not outcome. There is no ceiling for their learning and all children are encouraged to try, even when they feel stuck. Indeed, being ‘stuck’ or making a mistake is seen as something positive and with useful feedback children are encouraged to learn from their errors and keep trying. Resilience and self-belief are actively nurtured. Studies have shown that a growth mindset can very effectively protect a child’s wellbeing as they move through the challenges of adolescence. As a school who cares deeply for the pupils in our care, we feel that developing growth mindset is a vital part of our nurturing process.
Christian Vision:
We fully believe that it is in the very best interests of all children instil in our pupils the values of Christianity. In doing so, we hope to support children in becoming compassionate, respectful, forgiving and tolerant young people – in short, people who live the Christian values. Additionally, we feel that growing up in the knowledge that they are cared for and welcomed by the Christian Church is in itself a blessing for any child. We hope that our school reflects this belief and is successful in demonstrating the value of Christianity in children’s lives.
What to do when your child needs help
 Occasionally a child will struggle with their mental health. You may find that they become more withdrawn, or more easily angry or upset. Some children are able to tell you how they feel, others show you with their actions. It is common for children to only display changes in behaviour at home as this is where they feel the most safe – they know that ‘acting out’ will not stop you from loving them!
If your child needs some help, please come and talk to us or go to your GP. We work in partnership with parents and mental health organisations to identify and access the correct support for your child.
If you are not ready to take this step, there are some resources below which may help, but please don’t ever feel reluctant to come and talk to us about your child’s emotional wellbeing. We are here to help.