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SEND Information

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy is a key document to support the finest inclusive practice in our school. It outlines our statutory responsibilities and approaches to ensure that all pupils including those with SEND can achieve their best possible learning outcomes and engage successfully in all aspects of the wider school community. It complies with current statutory requirements and guidance set out in relevant legislation and documents. It links with the School offer on the link below:
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDco) takes overall responsibility for the operation of this policy and coordinating specific provision for pupils receiving SEND support. Our SENDco also contributes to the strategic development of SEND provision. Our SENDco is Louise Wilkinson and she can be contacted via email or through the school office Email address.
As of September 2024 we will be using a national system to asses the degree of support required by each child with special educational needs. This system is called the SEND Thresholds. Each local authority has personalised the document with services and support that are specific to their local area. However, the descriptions of need and associated expectations of support are national, in order to ensure that assessments remain consistent and that access to support is equitable. You will hear us talk about the thresholds in SEND meetings and support plans, so if you would like to look at it for yourself, the link is here: SEND Thresholds - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (gateshead-localoffer.org).