Our school was last inspected in July 2022. We were proud to be judged to be a Good School with Outstanding Elements. Below are some of the highlights, but you can read the whole report by clicking the link on the right.
“Pupils at Whickham Parochial Church of England Primary School stand by the school’s golden rule, ‘treat others the way that you want to be treated’. There are many examples of acts of kindness, such as pupils writing to the school crossing patroller to show their appreciation and collecting for a local food bank. Leaders have high expectations of themselves and everyone in their care, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils say that teachers ‘want us to push ourselves, so that we achieve well’. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They are particularly keen to talk about the books they are reading.
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Pupils live up to the high expectations set by leaders and staff. They feel safe and say they are delighted to attend school. There is always someone on hand for anyone who needs a friend to play with or someone to cheer them up. Pupils say bullying does not happen, but if it did, teachers would sort it out quickly.
Children in the early years get off to a flying start. They are confident, curious learners. Children are keen for a challenge. They enjoy learning to read. Children are eager to take part in problem-solving activities. They help each other to come up with solutions to the problems that teachers set.
Leaders, including governors, have a clear and ambitious vision for the school. Staff share in this vision. Despite the disruption caused by COVID-19, leaders have designed a well-sequenced curriculum. In most subjects, teachers teach subject content so that all pupils, including those with SEND, learn and achieve well “
You can access our latest Ofsted Inspection Report on the Ofsted website.
Provision for children in the early years is exceptional. Staff have expertise in developing children’s speech and communication skills. Staff teach children how to manage their own feelings. This helps them to focus on their activities. Children work well together to come up with manageable solutions, for instance when collecting and weighing stones. They add and take away the stones from a container, helping each other to solve a problem.
Leaders prioritise reading. Staff promote a love of reading from the moment that children start school. Children learn the letters and sounds they need to know to read words. This helps them to read well. Books are well matched to pupils’ phonic knowledge. Leaders use regular assessment to spot pupils who are at risk of falling behind.
Pupils behave extremely well, which supports teachers to deliver the curriculum. From the early years to Year 6, pupils regulate their own behaviour successfully. They understand the importance of looking out for each other. ‘Playground Heroes’ check on pupils who may seem sad at break times. They make sure nobody feels left out. Pupils are helped by the scenarios that teachers use to teach them how to deal with difficulties they may face in life. Pupils understand consent and equality. They feel well prepared for secondary school.
Leaders’ curriculum for personal development helps pupils to treat others with respect. They learn to help others through ‘advocacy’ by participating in acts of service. This includes doing chores to raise money to support an international children’s charity. Pupils discuss important global issues. They have a good understanding of diversity. Pupils understand the importance of not judging others, ‘because we are all unique’.
Governors know the school well. They know what is working well and what needs to further improve.”