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Parents' Voice

At Parochial we feel strongly that education requires a strong and trusting partnership between home and school. We are conscious of the privilege we hold in being chosen as your child’s school and know that each day you hand over one of the most precious people in your life into our care. Our staff work hard to ensure that your child receives a quality of education that we can be proud of and which you can put your faith in.

Communication is very important in this partnership. Each year we will give you a formal opportunity to tell us how you feel about our school (the questionnaire) but we encourage you to come and talk to us about any and all concerns or questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to get in touch whenever you need us.
Ofsted Parent View

The schools’ inspection board Ofsted have created an online opportunity for parents to tell them about their child’s school. The link for this can be found here.

Parent Questionnaire

Below you can find the responses to our most recent parent questionnaire (Summer 2023). We were so pleased by how very positive the outcome was. Of course, we can always do more and below you will find the actions we are taking to address any issues. A tiny minority of respondents disagreed with the statements, with a few more giving a 'neutral' response, but didn't say why - we would love to know more about this, so please get in touch.
My child is taught well.
Your response:
95.5% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed.
Comments and Actions.
We were very proud of this response. No-one disagreed, but we did have a couple of neutral responses. If anyone has any worries, please do get in touch. 

I know what my child is learning, or could find out.

Your response:
84.4% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
We had a few neutral and four respondents 'disagree'. Just a reminder, the class pages on our website have overviews and specific maths and English teaching for the year, and our curriculum page has the long term plans for every subject in every year group.
My child is appropriately challenged in school

Your response:
80.9% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
At Parochial we work hard to ensure that challenge is balanced alongside retention but we hope to always provide learning that is engaging. We will ensure that this feedback is shared and challenge is further evaluated in our monitoring.
A good range of subjects are taught in school

Your response:
85.3% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
Comments in this section were very positive but most of those who were neutral or disagreed were not specific about what they would like to be added. At Parochial we teach a curriculum 'plus' - meaning we deliver the national curriculum and add in local and value-led themes and also themes that children choose through the school council. 

Events. trips and visitors are relevant to my child’s learning

Your response:
88.2% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
Some parents would like more trips. We would love to take the children out more often but are conscious of cost - travel costs in particular have increased and tend to double the cost of trips. We are looking into alternatives.

The school gives me opportunities to find out how my child is doing.

Your response:
83.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
We offer two parents' evenings, a written report and an opportunity to come into school and see your child's books alongside them in their classroom environment. We try to include a parent workshop each year so that you can feel more involved in your child's school community. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to be added.

My child is making good progress at this school

Your response:
92.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
We are really pleased with how positive this response was, but concerned that two parents disagreed. Please get in touch with us so we can learn more about this.

My child feels safe at school

Your response:
97.1% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
It was lovely to see this and to read your responses. However, one parent has disagreed, which we find concerning and really need to know more about. We want all of our children to feel safe and if anyone doesn't, we need to know more.

The school has good rules that are used fairly

Your response:
85.1% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
We have made sure that our Behaviour Policy (see Policies) is easy to find. Most of you felt that not only did you agree, but your children also felt that the rules were clear and used fairly. Only two respondents disagreed – please feel that you can come and talk to us if your child is worried that they have been treated unfairly so that we can help.

The school makes sure that pupils are behaving well.

Your response:
88.2% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
Most of you strongly agreed with this comment. We feel, and Ofsted agreed, that behaviour at our school is outstanding and that behaviour for learning is exemplary. 

When I have raised concerns with the school, my concerns have been dealt with quickly and effectively

Your response:
79.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed (We realise we didn't give a 'not applicable' options, which accounts for neutral responses.)

Comments and Actions:
We were pleased that many parents felt that this was not something they had ever needed to do and that those of you who had, felt we had helped your efficiently. One respondent felt that their concerns had not been dealt with in this manner; we encourage them to come and talk to us again to see if we can rectify this.

Any incidents of bullying are effectively handled

Your response:
57.2% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed (again, we didn't give a 'not applicable' option)

Comments and Actions:
The safety and welfare of our children is a very important priority for all the staff at Parochial and we were pleased that the vast majority of you had no problems or had been supported in rectifying any issues your child may have had. If you feel that this is not the case, or that your child is a victim of bullying, please come and talk to us.

The school promotes equality and diversity

Your response:
91.5% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
Most respondents strongly agreed with this statement. As in all things, we strive to improve and, given our lack of diversity in school, we have worked hard to ensure that pupils see representations that are diverse and are aware of celebrations and traditions of other cultures.

The school is well led and managed

Your response:
91%nf respondents agreed or strongly agreed

Comments and Actions:
We will continue to make every effort to build on our strengths and lead our school to be the best it can be.

In our survey, we also asked you to comment on our homework. The 36 responses were very much split between some respondents who felt it was too much, some who felt it was too little and some who liked it just as it is. Given that the comments came from a minority of parents and were so varied in their responses, we are going to create a survey specifically for homework with more information included so that we can plan for a change that is going to work for more of our families. Please note, however, that we will also be considering the outcomes of educational research when it comes to making any changes and while we will always consider your viewpoints, our priority is to provide the best possible provision for our pupils.