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Catch Up for learners after school closure

Catch-up funding will be delivered to our budget across this school year expressly for use in supporting those children hardest hit by school closure. It will be £80 per child but we are told to spend it where need is greatest, not per pupil.

In order to support children who have significant gaps in their learning, or for whom school closure has exacerbated an existing barrier to learning, we have several interventions in place:

  • All SEND children have planned support for their specific need at some point in the week.
  • Reading Recovery based programme ‘Reading Partnerships’ is in place for children who are in Year 2 and or lower KS2 and are continuing to find reading difficult using phonic strategies.
  • Mrs Williamson has trained our new TA Mrs Crolla in delivering Fostering Fluency in Year 3 and Year 4
  • Phonic interventions are being delivered to any child who was at risk of not reaching expected standards in phonics at the end of Year 2, or who passed their phonic assessment but struggle to apply this independently.
  • Maths interventions using Springboard in conjunction with other resources are in place in Year 2 and Year 6.
  • Reading Plus subscription has been purchased for Year 5 and Year 6 to increase reading rate and comprehension skills in order for the children to be confident and ready for their transition to secondary school.
  • Booster classes in Reading and Maths are in place for Year 6